Comprehensive Planning
The AIDA team uses a participatory approach toward development of Comprehensive Plans that addresses the health/wellness, social and justice needs of tribes. Secondary data, focus groups and key informant interviews are utilized to gain important data and input from the community, programs and services, administrators and policy makers. The data gathered is analyzed and used to inform the development of the comprehensive plan which can include code and policy development, system improvements, information sharing systems, asset mapping, resource development and implementation strategies.
Community Mobilization & Social Marketing Strategies for Social Programs
This one to three day training seminar focuses on various strategies for obtaining community support for existing and future tribal programs. Strategies to design local coalitions, working groups, and committees are presented, along with ideas to determine which one is the best approach for a given program or issue area. The training builds upon community strengths and utilizes community dynamics to reach objectives, such as public support and awareness, increased volunteer efforts and improved communications between various community offices and agencies. The training includes a focus group and planning session assist trainees to establish a specific time lines, define objectives and establishing long and short-term goals.