Cultural Diversity
This one to three-day seminar aims to increase knowledge, skills and abilities for non-Indian and Indian practitioners, administrators, and policymakers to work effectively with American Indian and Alaskan Native tribes and Indigenous populations in the United States. By increasing the quality of understanding and communication with Indian Nations, an agency or organization will be able to improve services, develop effective working relationships and maximize positive outcomes for tribal projects. The training provides a comprehensive overview of historical and current issues for Indigenous people including culture and tradition, language, law and politics, economics, and issues that impact cross cultural communication and interaction. The training is conducted on-site or at a selected site by a team of Indigenous professional trainers and facilitators.
Program Development and Team Building
Program development technical assistance is for Program Directors, Managers and staff. Program development TA can include:
- Strength-based assessments
- Training and staffing capacity development
- Policy and procedure development
- Resource development and sustainability plans
- Prioritization and implementation of evaluation recommendations
- Clarification of staffing roles and responsibilities
- Identifying and building relationships with internal and external partners
- Team building activities
AIDA provides training in a wide variety of topics. Training can be tailored to meet specific educational outcomes.